Friday, March 13, 2015

Quotation by George Carlin

Design Notes: Typography

“Fonts are the clothing that our ideas wear.”

·      Legibility: Choose classical time-tested typefaces( Baskerville, Frutiger, Garamond, Gill Sans, Helvetica, Palatino, Times New Roman, etc.)
1.     Serif: reads best at smaller sizes and can be complementary.
Ex.       ABC          
2.     Sans Serif: Better with larger fonts
Ex.       ABC
·      Font Variance: Too many fonts confuse the reader and spoil the design
·      Definition: Fonts that are too similar cause ambiguity. What you are trying to emphasize wont be as clear.
·      Readability: Use upper and lower case letters for optimum clarity. All capital letters are the equivalent of shouting, and are more difficult to read.
·      Alignment: Left alignment reads easiest, consider eye flow as it moves down a page; if you use other alignments make sure there is a purpose.
·      Emphasis: Use these tools with discretion and without disturbing eye flow.
1.     Italics
2.     Bold
3.     Size
4.     Color
5.     Typestyle change
·      Integrity: Avoid stretching or distorting type because it compromises integrity.
·      Weight: Strive for a sense of balance (heavy or light fonts)
·      Kerning: The adjustment of space between the letters
·      Tracking: Deals with how the whole groups of letterforms are spread out/ spaced.

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