The three primary colors are red,
yellow, and blue and with these three colors you can create secondary colors.
For example mixing two primary colors like red and blue will create the
secondary color violet. Furthermore, mixing a primary color like red with a
secondary color like violet will create a tertiary color, magenta. Subtractive
color models are colors mixed together beginning with white and ending in black
as the colors are mixed together. Subtractive color models are pigment
generated. In contrast, Additive color mixing starts with black and ends with
white because the more color added the result is lighter; this is because
Additive color is light generated. Different colors are associated with
different moods and emotions. Not only that, but colors affect the setting and
can change how other colors look because of color intensity.
Grey Scale Image.
Monotone blue.
Monotone orange.
Monotone violet.
Monotone red.
Monotone green
Complementary colors: Green and red
Complementary colors: Yellow and violet
Complementary colors: Orange and blue
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