Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Design: The Principals and Elements

"People ignore design that ignores people"
-Frank Chimero

What is design?
·      Design elements are the basic units of visual images.
·      The principles of design govern the relationship of the elements used and organized the composition as a whole.
·      All imagery, art, design and photography alike, are compromised of elements that can be broken down and analyzed. This goes for web design as well.

Design Elements:
·      Space- can exist in two or three dimensions, can refer to positive or negative space (used to create optical illusions), or can refer to foreground mid or background images (depth).
·      Line- size (tapper, thin, thick, etc.) and type (normal, dashed, etc.)
·      Color- invokes mood, time, place, etc.
·      Shape- Three categories, 1. man made objects or objects seen in nature that we can recognize, 2. organic (rounded edges, no hard or right angles), 3 geometric (angled shapes)
·      Texture- two types, 1. implied for instance character or detail in objects and 2. actual physical textures.
·      Value- the depth of rendering or shading or color values.

Design Principals:
·      Unity- Creates a sense of order, a consistency in size and shape. Proximity can create a sense of unity, it can also show a lack of unity.
·      Variety- “Spice of life”, plus you want to be able to work in a variety of formats and be  able to work with what your client wants.
·      Repetition- Can create unity and can be used with variety (Andy Warhol).
·      Harmony- The idea that everything has its place and is in its place.
·      Proximity- White space, the info is organized based on importance, how much eye movement is required to scan for info, size.
·      Proportion- Works with harmony and proximity and is incredible important, it can changed the whole meaning of design, and things out of proportion is very evident.
·      Functionality- Form or function? Functional should rise over form or they should be equal, it should be legible and eye catching.

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