Graphic File Formats:
- All comp. doc. Or files are packaged in different formats.
The format is determined often by the files
origin, such as a software program like Photoshop, or a device such as digital
Graphic files such as a photo, video, or artwork
can be reduced in file size by using image compression formats.
- Lossy vs Lossless
Graphic image formats fall under two categories
of compression, Lossy and Lossless.
With Lossy, image data is “lost” or reduced for
smaller file size but can cause poor image quality. Can result in showing
“compression artifacts” (pixels).
Lossless retains image data for higher quality
but larger file size.
- Graphic Formats:
TIF, JPG and GIF are the three most common
formats for activities such as printing, scanning and displaying images over
the Internet.
PNG is a common web format, is high quality and
can contain an alpha (transparency) channel.
Each format has its own advantages,
- TIF format:
Stands for Tagged Image Format
Common format for desktop publishing, print,
photo, and graphic design.
Is a LOSSLESS file format. It remains image data
for maximum image quality.
Can result in larger file sizes, not fit for
display over internet, is not browser compatible.
JPG format:
Stands for Joint Photographers Expert Group
Created for digital photography and works best
for photo content
Is a LOSSY format
Can reduce an image size by ten to one (10:1)
without showing significant compression artifacts.
The level of compression is adjustable.
- GIF format:
Stands for Graphic Interchange Format
Is best for graphics or images that have flat
color or even tone, such as a cartoon.
Reduces image size by “indexing” color from
three cannels to one
Is adjustable by changing color bit levels from
one to eight
Contains no DPI (Dots per Inch) data for
printing. Not a proper format for print.
- Know your Pixels
TIF and JPG are best for images with pixels that
blend in color; these are called “contiguous pixels.”
GIF is best for images with flat even tone, or
“non-contiguous pixels.”
VW-bus-24.png 152KB
VW-bus-8-128-dithered.png 44KB
VW-bus-high.jpg 45KB
VW-bus-med.jpg 25KB
VW-bus-low.jpg 19KB
VW-bus128-dithered.gif 48KB
VW-bus-128-no-dither.gif 47KB
VW-bus-64-no-dither.gif 33KB
VW-bus64-dithered.gif 33KB
VW-bus-32-dithered.gif 28KB
VW-bus-32-no-dither.gif 27KB
VW-bus-restrictive.gif 21KB
The VW Bus image that I think has the best quality is saved
under the preset PNG-24; however it is also the largest file size. The smallest
file size is the image saved under a JPG in lowest quality, but it is one of
the images that has the worst quality too. The image that is the best balance
of size and quality would have to be the JPG saved in high quality.
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